3 weeks ago, thanks to generous donors, sponsors & partners, we were honoured to bring over 200 youth to see Black Panther for free. They walked away with popcorn, drinks, prizes & a message of empowerment. Thank you to LIFT TV for capturing the moment. (?: Samuel Nkanza)
Posted by The Rise Initiative on Tuesday, March 13, 2018
In celebration of Black History Month, we joined the #BlackPantherChallenge; a community-led movement to send youth across North America to see the upcoming Marvel film Black Panther for free. We are raising $3,600 to send 200 youth in Ottawa to see the film on February 17, 2018 at The Cineplex Scotiabank Theatre.
Thank you to all the sponsors, donors and partners who helped us make the dream of sending 200+ youth to see @BlackPanther for free come true! We are in awe of what we can do when we come together.
For more resources and to be a part of future events and discussions, please visit The Rise Initiative Facebook page or follow us on Instagram.